Monday, October 26, 2009

It's been crazy lately!

I havent had time to breathe much less post. We had our Fall Festival at school Saturday & so we've been working hard on that lately. We all had a blast & the kids loved loved loved it! I'm so glad its over though! Cookie Dough will be delivered Wednesday, so I will be unloading 3,000 tubs that day. Luckily I love all the girls we have helping, so we will find away to make it fun, I'm sure!

I've been really swamped with homework lately & I'm trying to pull up my GPA a bit, from my last math class...ugh! So that's been keeping me busy busy!

I'll try to post something worthwhile soon..I've not been really upbeat and just dont have too much to say lately.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Recipe for Today

Recipe For Life:

1 C. good thoughts
1 C. kind deeds
1 C. consideration
2 C. sacrifice for others
3 C. forgiveness
Then add 2 C. of well beaten faults

This is to be mixed thoroughly with tears of joy and sorrow, as well as plenty of sympathy. Flavor the mixture well with little gifts of love and kindness. Use 4 cups of prayer and faith to lighten the other ingredients and raise the texture to great heights in daily living. Bake well in the heat of human kindness and serve with a smile.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Childhood Toys

On a website I'm on, some friends were talking about favorite toys from our childhood. It brought back such fun memories,I decided to share some with you all.