Monday, June 15, 2009

Kids & Energy Drinks..SCARY!!!

**This is a true story. I know the mom of Quinn. This is very scary & I will NEVER let my children have an energy drink!!** This is not the little energy shots, but just like monsters, NOS or red bulls. TOO SCARY!

We were at my sister's house yesterday and the kids (Quinn, my 10 yr old nephew and two other 10 yr olds) wanted to the store before going to their fort. They normally buy drinks to take with them and the other kids were going so we gave our two some money and sent them on their way.

Are you familiar with energy drinks? I am not. Quinn bought a slush puppie drink and the other 3 boys bought an energy drink called Nos. They were en route to their fort and drinking their drinks. The one kid, Sean, apparently chugged 3/4 of this HUGE can of this energy drink. Almost immediately afterwards, he started freaking out saying that he couldn't breathe and my nephew looked for an adult to help him. Just as this man reached him, Sean collapsed. He went into cardiac arrest and the man performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. They were able to get his heart going again and transported him to the hospital and I guess he's going to be fine but OMG...

His parents said the doctors are blaming solely the energy drink, that there was nothing else wrong with his heart that could have caused it. I guess it says right on the can that it's not for children but how scary that they can just walk in and buy it like that. I mean, this kid had a heart attack!! The doctors told S's parents that they are seeing this more and more often and not only in young kids but teenagers as well. They say they are popular drinks these days. I dunno...

Anyway, Sean will be fine. The other 3 boys were very very scared and totally freaked out.

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