Monday, August 31, 2009


I have been struggling this summer with some very personal struggles. Most include some people in my life I'm having to deal with. It's a tough and messy situation that has gone from bad to worse very quickly. I have been struggling with how to handle it in a christian manner but also not being a "doormat for the devil". I have tried the whole keep my distance and keep my mouth shut, but for some strange reason that fueled the fire even harder.

A good friend of mine told me I was thinking about the situation too much & letting it get the best of me. I realized that I was spending every moment of my day thinking and worrying about this. (And yes, I realize writing this is making me think of it). I realized I was letting this situation come between me and my husband, me and my whole life....but most importantly me & GOD. I have given him my problems and I refuse to think another thought about it.

So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2: 5

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