Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I have been thinking alot about Friendships and how God chooses who we need as friends in our lives. We, as Christians are to love one another, but I personally dont feel we are all meant to be friends. Some people we just dont mesh well with, and sometimes our "energy" is just not the same.

I also think that our friends help "form" and "create" our personalities. I have always heard that he who walks with wise people will become wise himself and he who keeps company with foold whill himself be destroyed. The Bible tells us that we arent to be unequally yokes with unbelievers, that we are to withdraw from every brother who walks disordely.

This doesnt mean that we cannot work with the lost, and the ones that need to find God.

I think when you give your life to Christ, you surrender your life to his plans. He has a plan of what job you should have, whom you chose as your spouse, your friends,etc. I think God decides who yout TRUe friends will be and who will not.He might take people out of your life so you do not have negative influences. They may not be open to growing and maturing with him and could hold you back. YOu dont need anyone in your life stunting your growth in the Lord. It's alot like parents who dont want their child hanging out with certain people, so they wont have that influences. He IS the GREATEST dad we could ever have.

When he prunes out the the people you dont need in your lives, he replaces them. These people are your GOD-friends. They will be Godly spirited friends who are walking with him and living a Christian lifestyle.Together you can teach each other and help encourage each other.

Here are some verses I found extremely helpful with understanding GOd-Friends..

The righteous should CHOOSE HIS FRIENDS CAREFULLY, for the way of the wicked leads them astray. (Proverbs 12:26)

As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17)
This one really struck home with me. As one of my GOD-friends really has sharpened me. She is always honest and straight forward with me.She always has wonderful advice and lifts me up in prayer when needed. She has sharpened me and my christian walk so many times. I am so thankful for her. She keeps me on the straight and narrow path, even when we take a wrong way street.. together we laugh at our mistake and fix it! :P

When Jesus sent out the 12 apostles, he sent them two-by-two. I feel that he did this as we are all supposed to have a friend by our side. If you currently dont have a GOD-friend, please pray to him that he will bring you one.


Tabitha Farmer said...
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Tabitha Farmer said...

I just teared up!!! I love it!!! You know I have been overwhelmed with the wonderful women God has put in my life over the last several months. Overwhelmed in a good way. In awe, I guess. I am glad He chose you as one of my friends. Our "energy" works well together!!! lol I promise to always try to be the best, Godliest friend I can be. Thank you for being you. I love your heart, girl!

Sisters in Christ!

P.S. I promise to do my best to not take you the "wrong way"!