Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pink..is my favorite color..

My hubby was lauging at me the other day because I seem to want everything in the color pink. Maybe its living in a house full of boys, or maybe I just really enjoy the color pink. Who knows? So after noticing in one of his hunting magazines that you could now purchase pink bows and pink arrows and womens figure flattering camo. (HAHA! I feel as if I should be saing GIT-ER-Done or something equally as redneck here!) I decided to google pink things and show you some of my favorite finds!

( Has bArbie pink taken over the world?? )

And there my friends is the pink bow..which by the way, I wouldnt be getting if i wanted it. It's double the price of my hubby's bow..which would buy alot of shoes, sigh.

1 comment:

Sassy Girl said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pink doors and the pick surfboard!!!