Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Louder than Words

So as I've said on here plenty of times, I have a true passion to work with Special Needs children.

So while browsing the county library I see two books that just jump right out at me.

Jenny McCarthy's Louder than Words and the sequel..Mother Warriors..both are about her son that has Autism.

I know you are all thinking, A Jenny book? What? The playboy model, crazy blonde? She wrote a good book?

They both are amazing!!

For real, i had laughed, I have cried, i've been mad along with her. Its an amazing story and I admire all the moms out there with Special Needs children.

I have a wonderful bestest friend whose son has Down Syndrome and everyday holds new and more difficult struggles for them. Everyday is a new battle, some battles will never be won and more are only just beginning. But one thing is for sure, these children are wonderful. They are God's gifts to us. They are the brightest eyed and biggest smiles you will ever see. They can melt the toughest mans heart with just a little smile.

I admire Jenny for writing this story of her son and her life, it may not be pretty at times, it may be hard to stomach..but this is what so many moms and dads are going through on a daily basis. Something should be done..Why is it so hard for these children to get the access to the help they need?? So many of these parents dont know who or where to turn to!

Like Jenny stated, the pediatrician or the neurologists dont say, "Maam, your son has autism, or celebral palsy, or downs...I'm sorry. Now, here is your map. You are here, you need to be here". Noone does this.. You are left on your own. To hope you connect with someone that lives a like sorta like yours. To hope they have any experience.

This is why I have such a strong passion to work with Special Needs. They need an advocate. They need someone for the parents. I pray daily that something will be done to help these parents find a way to help their beautiful children.

*If God brings you TO it, He will bring you THROUGH it**

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