Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I banned myself from Facebook for the day to bring you this blog post!


I'm up to my eyeballs in World Civilizations homework & I cant get into it. I just hate it and my eyes start to glaze over as soon as I open the book! It's awful!

It's raining here :( Boo! Of all days to ban from Facebook! LOL

I'm hoping the rain subsides this evening so I can go walking with Mrs.Farmer (See her blog in the blog roll!) I have been so lazy about eating healthy and exercising this summer & It's really starting to show. I've let my subscriptions to Fitness & Shape magazines go, I bet the Wii fit doesn't even remember me & I couldn't tell you the last time I weighed myself!! Ouch!

The YMCA is so far down the road & I know I would use that as an excuse not to go..but somethings gotta give!

What's your favorite exercise and how do you stay motivated??

(I should probably tag Christy here so she will reply with some fab ideas like she always has!)

1 comment:

Sassy Girl said...

Christy??? in ME?!?!? I have tried to take away all the excuses this summer that would keep me from my routine. 1) I haven't let myself or my kids sleep late, I'm still getting up when the hubby leaves for work....very helpful!!! 2) I've been taking my kids to the Y with me and checking them into kids's free and the girls there totally keep the bigger kids entertained!! 3) I've actually made a point of adding more workouts to my routine. I've started going to Pilates & I love it. 4) I've tried to ban myself from all the junk food I tend to crave in the summer. When we go to the pool, I load up the cooler with healthy fruit, veggies and yogurts for the kids and me. I do eat a few pretzels or chips now and then, but I try to keep it to a bare minimum. By all means, join me at the Y!!!! (psst...I actually went twice on Thursday. Yoga in the morning then weights and went back for Pilates last night...FUN!!!)