Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother's Day, Summer Reading, etc.

So the question every father/husband is wondering right now....What does my wife want for Mother's Day?? Well flowers are nice, chocolate too fattening but yummy...So here's my list: (remember I'm a pratical kinda gal!)

1. New Baking Sheets- Nonstick kind!
2. New Brown flip flops
3. Soft summery sheets
4. A pedicure
And #5...I really really want a mom/wife devotional book.

I'm also really excited about what cute idea Bryson's teacher has done with his class. He keeps telling me what a surprise he has. I love how excited he is for me to be at the Mother Tea Party on Friday and to show me his creation.

With classes being over, the first place I hit up was the library. I love love love to read, just not for school. I'm going to put a gadget on the side here with current reads and rate them 1-5 stars.

Here is how that system will work. I dont promise they will be classic novels, as I'm more into chic-lit kinda books.

*-Not worth reading
**-Okay read, couldnt keep my interest
***-If you have nothing better, then read this
****-Must read!!!
*****-Couldnt put the book down, will read again!

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