Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a crazy day!!

Today was the Staff Appreciation Luncheon at school. PTO hosted and it was yummy! Lots of wonderful desserts from Holly's Deli! Yum!

But before we could relax and enjoy the goodies, we had to sit in the hallways for what seemed like FOREVER! waiting on the tornado warning to pass. Dude, We arent in Kansas!!! We are in the mountains for heaven sakes. But all is well, we were all safe and sound. The Swannanoa Efflers are good too, as rumour was a twister touched down there as well.

Tomorrow, I have a busy day subbing in my Favorite 3rd grade class! Should be lots of fun, just hope the weather changes so they can head outside to blow off some steam!

** Shoutout to Christy, my newest reader..LOL!! You will learn more than you ever wanted to know!!

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